Registered user since Tue 6 Apr 2021
Name:Yurii Kostyukov
Graduated from the SECS USU’15. In 2017/2018 academic year became a member of symbolic .NET VM development team. Graduated with honor as a Software Engineer at SPSU, the Mathementics and Mechanics Faculty, Department of Computer Science in 2019. Working on master’s thesis at SPSU. A member of Formal Verification group of Programming Languages and Tools Lab of JetBrains Research.
Affiliation:St. Petersburg State University; JetBrains Research
Personal website: http://origin.research.jetbrains.org/researchers/columpio
GitHub: https://github.com/Columpio
Research interests:Formal verification, program synthesis, programming languages, type systems, theorem proving
PLDI 2021-profile
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